3 Common Signs and Symptoms of Lipedema

Lipedema is a diagnosis that can be very “textbook” to treat, however if you or your medical team is not aware of Lipedema it can be a mystery. With a significant amount of medical professionals STILL not knowing about Lipedema, leads many people to self diagnosing.

Here are a few common signs of symptoms of Lipedema.

Pain with getting your blood pressure taken.

  • The squeeze of the blood pressure cuff can be VERY painful. I have had some people say they would rather go into labor without epidural before having their blood pressure taken! Pro tip: Ask your medical team to use your calf.

Pain in legs from pressure when pets and/or kids sit in lap.

  • Abnormal amount of pain from a cat walking across your lap or loved one placing pressure on your leg is a common sign of Lipedema. This type of pressure should not want to send you through the roof.

Heaviness when walking as if you are walking through sand.

  • Many people with Lipedema will report walking can be a burden because it takes so much effort to lift legs to walk. This can lead to many people tripping and declining social events due to fear of having to walk.

These are just a FEW of the common signs and symptoms of Lipedema. It is important to note that you do not have to have ALL of them to have Lipedema. To learn more about how to decrease pain from Lipedema, please subscribe and watch my YouTube video 3 Ways To Decrease Pain From Lipedema.

Get Professional Help If you’re looking for “lipedema therapy near me”, please consider scheduling a consultation at one of our locations in Kansas City-Leawood, Kansas, or Lee’s Summit, Missouri.


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